EMD Projects

The Emergent Media DesignLab develops performances and exhibitions in a diverse, collaborative framework oriented toward tangible, sensorial and experiential outcomes.

Dancers performing in Living in the Tempest

Direct Engagement & Relevant Impact

Directly engaging with new technologies in the context of artistic production can spark development of products and services for positive change. With a focus on socially engaged artmaking, we want to do more than entertain people or create beauty for its own sake -- we want to do these things in the service of relevant impact for social good. To that end, it's essential for artists and designers to explore new forms of expression enabled by technical capabilities such as AR/VR (augmented and virtual reality), kinetic imaging, interactive software, bioart, speculative design, computer gaming and social media connectivity. We believe that design methodologies oriented to developing creative solutions should be paired with artistic methodologies that reveal problems and critique existing structures.